Given to Mary from Emily.
I think this picture might be too phallic |
"Happy Fall Equinox!" says Emily to Mary. The equinox was yesterday--the midpoint between the summer and winter counterparts--and another indicator we're all moving toward a slooow descent into darkness. To combat the darkness, Emily wanted to pass along some light. As a speech pathologist, she gets good-bye gifts, including many candles. At the time of this blog post, she had a dirty dozen in her possession and claims she picked out the two best smelling ones. Mary and I didn't realize that moonlight had a scent, but it evidently does. She also had some extra LED lights that she uses in her annual winter art and music festival. Because it's impact will grapple you at home, I should let you know that Mary plans on scalloping the single string of lights over a window. Recently purchasing a home whose decor had not been updated in 30 years, Mary thought a single scallop would be a real uptick.
-Profession: Continuous Improvement in Manufacturing
-Favorite tun to whistle: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
-Part of your job involves working on the color strip indicators in baby diapers. What color should they add to Depends?: Red
-Should there also be an alarm?: Yes, a fire alarm.
-If "Ways Women Like to Enjoy Time Alone" was a category on Family Feud, how many responses would there be and where would "Burning Candles and Taking a Bath" be on that list?: That would be #2 on a total of 5 answers.
-What would be #1?: Sleep
-Do guys named Herb feel that their name is too generic like Joe?: No, I don't think they feel that. I knew an Herb. None of the other herbs sound like good names, though. Maybe Curry would be a better name.