April 29: Teapot and napkins

Monday, April 30, 2012 - Posted by 366 White Elephants at 1:09 AM
Given to Joanne from Michele.

Mother's Day is coming up in a couple of weeks and it appears I'll be spending my time at two households: my mom's and Michele's mom's house.

According to Michele, if you tell her mom that you like dehumidifiers, she will begin bringing them to you until every room has one.  If you tell her you like penguins, she'll start buying you penguin statues and dolls and everything penguin until you have a "collection" as Michele likes to call it.  Michele said she has tubs of Beanie Babies that she gives away as party favors.  The teapot given to Michele was probably the 12th teapot given to her by her mom, so it made for an excellent way to lighten the load at her house.

When I go there on Mother's Day, I'm going to say I like fine wine, legal tender, and Gloria Estefan.  Let's see what I get back.

She's really glad they no longer
serve Mexican on in-flight meals
-Profession: Pilot

-Favorite cruising altitude: 41,000 feet

-How do you politely tell your co-pilot he/she needs to use more deodorant?:  Sometimes when someone takes care of business in the forward bathroom, the smell wafts into the cabin.  It's really gross.  We'll talk to each other and say, "Boy, it's kinda stinky in here".  I'd probably do the same and have the co-pilot do a quick underarm sniff.

-Tell me how you'd order a hamburger and fries as if you were landing a plane: Give me beef, medium.  Okay...I need cheese now.  Give me Diet Coke with that.

-When you're putting things away at home, do you stow them?:  Never