April 28: Anchor Bar Chicken Wing Hat

Saturday, April 28, 2012 - Posted by 366 White Elephants at 11:48 PM
Given to Michele from Jeff.
 Tip #18 on "Ways to Appear Sexier to Your Spouse"
The story goes like this:  Jeff's got a business and had to ship this $20m piece of equipment from Buffalo to Cleveland.  He drives to Buffalo and has to load the costly item on a 1904 barge in a run-down pier in the city.  And...they had to make sure it survived the week's journey without any part of the lakes freezing.  All this was on Jeff's mind when his co-worker suggested they all go to the historic Anchor Bar to down some chicken wings and beers.  At some point during the evening Jeff said, "Well, if the equipment goes down to the bottom, at least I'll get myself a chicken wing hat."

All her DVDs are in a heap
-Profession: Librarian

-Favorite vitamin: B-12

-If you could install more severe punishments for overdue materials, what would they be?:  The person with the overdue items would have to sit in a dunk tank.  One throw per every 10 cent fine.

-Do you shelve books at home according to the Dewey Decimal system?:  No, but I do shelve by author, alphabetically.  I keep the series books together, too.  In my daughter's room, I shelve the books by age group, too: juvenile, teen, young adult and adult fiction.

-At a library sale, have you ever wondered why a particular item was being let go by the library?:  Sometimes they'll be copies of The Kama Sutra.  But anything like that has been donated from a personal collection.