June 18: 1950s-era Cuban Iced Tea Glasses

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 - Posted by 366 White Elephants at 7:39 AM
Given to Holli from Terri.

Terri took me on a trip straight into my imagination.  The set of six iced tea glasses was from her grandparents who visited Cuba in the 1950s before Castro took control.  She has photos showing what life was like back then--as Terri describes it, the economy was centered around tourism and the commercial life was very entrepreneurial.  I could just imagine her grandparents there at the time, strolling along a bustling sidewalk and finding these charming glasses for sale next to a guy peddling some bananas.

The good news is you don't have to have these glasses to take a trip to Imagination City.  I noticed I can  achieve the same effect when I take out an applesauce from the freezer from a different year.  For example, I pulled out a 2008 batch just the other day.  As my family and I were having dinner, our minds wandered back to that year.  One of us is like, "Pete, what were you even like in 2008?  Do you even remember what kind of food you liked back then?  That's so crazy!"  And we try to remember the notable events from that year.  It can take up a good 15 minutes of dinner-time conversation.

'That'll be the day' when Holli
has witty friends
-Profession: Social Worker

-Favorite summer BBQ item: Hamburgers

-Until going out of business in 1915, the Holly Motor Company produced what?
[A] prototype for a Hummer
[B] a 5, 6 or 7 passenger touring car
[C] a high-speed van that went as fast as 40 mph

[B]!  Although it would have been great if they had Hummers back then.

-Do you have any friends who call you their buddy?:  No one says that.  No one says this is my 'buddy Holli'.  I don't have many witty friends.

-The leaves of a Holly plant are used to make which drink?
[A] Yerba Mate tea
[B] a natural variety of 5-hour energy
[C] Holly beer with 5.8% ABV

[A] That's so cool!  You've provided me with some fun party conversation now!