June 21: Desktop Titanic Kit, Starbucks giftcard, Go French Cards, Stress Ball, Keychain Rubik's Cube and "@" Letter Opener

Friday, June 22, 2012 - Posted by 366 White Elephants at 8:18 AM
Given to Denise from Lori.
My feelings are sinking right now
I may need to borrow this "feel good & de-stress" kit as Lori described it from Denise very shortly.  The challenge, for all of us reading here above the equator, is we hit the summer solstice today, which means the days are going to get progressively darker and lead us into winter.  When the winter solstice hits, I'm full of unbounded enthusiasm and hope that the days are getting lighter and better weather is 'round the corner.  If there was ever a time I would consider smoking and writing depressing poetry, it's on the summer solstice.

Was really disappointed she wasn't
part of the U.S. tax code
-Profession: Senior Associate Dean

-Favorite bean: Black Bean

-You like to read.  You also like to run.  Do you ever do both at the same time at the gym like some people do on the stationary bike?:  No, I can't do that.  I'm usually working out way too hard to do both.

-The SP-350 Denise is what?:
[A] type of lime green paint made by Behr
[B] part of the IRS tax code
[C] number is registry of baby names
[D] submarine invented by Jacques Cousteau

I would guess [B].  That sounds about right.  (The answer's [D])

-You also do Executive Leadership Coaching.  Do the sessions all occur over a power lunch?:  No, not at all.  Most are over the phone or one-on-one in a setting outside their office.  We sometimes get a power coffee at Starbucks.